Thursday, March 7

Bologna sauce: my version


• 1 medium onion chopped
• 1 cloves of garlic
• 1 chopped carrot
•  english sauce
• Parmesan cheese (40 gr)
• sea salt
• curry (as you like)
• azafran (as you like)
• nutmeg (as you like)
• 700 ground chuck,beef
•  your favorite oil
• 1 tea spoon of sugar (secret ingredient))
• red wine

This is my version of bologna sauce. Add the all the ingredients, not the onion, to the ground chuck beef.
I believe in your feeling so you will know the amount of each ingredient. Sorry, I don't use recipes myself.
Let it rest for 20 minutes.
Put you favorite oil in a pan and put the onion. Wait till it becomes transparent.
Little by little put the meat and stir.Let the meat get brown  and add the tomatoes. Let it boil and... Voilà.
It works for me and people like it,